Not only companies suffered at the expense of Covid-19 but also Eswatini’s foremost stand-up comedians and digital content creators. We have been following Smallz and the crew on their social media page non-stop to follow on videos they have posted but, Siteki residents got the luck to experience what we have all been longing for. They posted their behind the scenes of a community empowerment event hosted by Siteki Town Council.

First Gig after 6 months?❤️

First Gig after 6 months?❤️ Siteki Town CouncilSHARE YOU VIEWS BELOW. ?SHARE VIDEO❗??SHARE VIDEO!??FOLLOW PAGE❗??SHARE VIDEO❗?————? Then find and love us on all our homes here:?Instagram [♥️FOLLOW♥️] [♥️FOLLOW♥️]: YouTube [♥️SUBSCRIBE♥️]:

Posted by Smallz The Comedian -Swaziland on Wednesday, 23 September 2020

It is said that laughter is medicine, it no doubt that Siteki residents laughed their lungs out today as Smallz and Gogo did their thing behind the mic. This was what the country needs right now, I mean COVID -19 outcomes have infected us so badly so we needed to heal, laughter is the best medicine they say.

This crew is not only making waves within the boarders of Eswatini but has gone beyond them. It is no doubt that they leave a mark wherever they set their foot. Now that they have finally held their first show in six months we don’t know kutsi should we keep on looking forward to upcoming gigs or it was just a tip of an ice bag.
