What started off as a journey of hope for thousands of people all over the kingdom has been narrowed down to Five because, forty became twenty, twenty became fifteen, fifteen became seven, and yesterday took it down to Five.

Last Sunday, MTN spotlight revealed the Top 7 who were staying on the show, and the three whose light was deemed.

Yesterday, the award winning and highly celebrated creative Mdura joined the Spotlight panel as guest judge on the show in another round of eliminations which, as always saw some contestants’ time on the Spotlight show coming to an end. Since in last week’s show there was a little twist where the judges saved one contestant,  instead of eliminating two,  three were eliminated yesterday.

Before the eliminations,  MTN spotlight gave us a quick look at how the the contestants performed last week.

Those who are moving forward with the competition are :Sethu, Sihle,  Thembumenzi,  Naledi and Tselile.

Unfortunately,  the road came to an end for: Irven,  Lisa and Zanoxolo.

For full details watch video below

