After successfully launching the competition on August 20, 2021 audition lines for Season 3 were opened soon afterward.  Ever since the call to all aspiring artists, a number of  hopefuls have shown interest in taking part in Eswatini’s biggest talent search competition as applications keep coming in.

Week two Submissions closed on Friday at noon and week 3 opened on Saturday and will run for a week. What is important to note is that one must also have downloaded the Ayoba Messaging Application, as it is one of our main means of communication during the competition.

MTN’s Brand, Communications and Sponsorship Manager Landokuhle Dlamini revealed that season 3, will run until December and encourages the youth to pour in those entries so that they can be a part of this amazing competition.

How to apply

Option 1: Visit the Yello Hub by clicking here: to fill in the form online

Option 2: WhatsApp your audition to 7602 7768

Include your:

– Name:

– ID Number:

– Age:

– Region:

– Profile picture

– 1 Minute Video

What your application needs to entail to ensure you’re eligible for the auditions:

An introduction mentioning your name, surname and your hometown

It must be shot in landscape on a clear, light and plain background

No selfie videos allowed

The rendition of your song must be in acapella without backing vocals or instruments

Here’s an example of an introduction you can use:

“My name is…..I am…..years old. I am from …..Then you sing your song.”

Make sure to download the Ayoba app and Music Time app as well!




Regional Audition dates:

Region  Date


26 September – 4 October 2020


3 October – 8 October 2020


10 October – 15 October 2020

Lubombo             17 October – 22 October 2020



