Motivational speaker and MTN Swaziland employee Alex Lushaba is our man crush this Monday. Alex is only 28 years old but his wisdom is that of a 50 year old. All his motivational speaking and the inspirational stories he normally posts on his Facebook page are so powerful and have changed so many lives. While growing up, life was not a walk in the park for Alex but today he walks tall and proudly shares his story to help change people’s lives. He is living proof that coming from a disadvantaged home should not stop you from having goals and working hard to fulfill them. What we have noticed and has always fascinated most people is that each time he wants to make an example using a female name, noma ungayaphi it has to be Zanele EVERYTIME! sometimes we even wonder if this Zanele is an exciting person or uyatitsandzela nje leligama waLushaba.
Meet our #MCM Alex Lushaba.

We love your spirit and hard work Alex…Silive siyabadzinga bantfu labafana nawe!!