The most hyped about Jumbo Dinner 2020 is set to take place on the 31st of October at Malkerns Country Club and is expected to attract the creme de la creme bring of Eswatini. Nosiisa Donnes Black who has been creating a storm and vibe about the event on her Facebook timeline posted a picture of some fabulously charming guys (ema-Smashables), with the caption “ Ahh Yes#GAMEOVER….stoko sakuJumbo Dinner’’.
Her newsfeed comments started pouring in on her timeline, with ladies admiring God’s creations:
Stoko according to The Jumbo Dinner are the people who bring sauce & vibe and deserve to be celebrated, and John is Jumbo khumalo who brings people together in celebration of their victories, no matter how small.
Make sure you are not left out! join Imbandla and you might get yourself stoko.