Norma Mngoma formerly known as Norma Gigaba has spilt with her husband Malusi Gigaba after their six year marriage ended. During her marriage to the controversial former minister of home affairs, Noma not only went through the most due to his philandering ways, but she also witnessed a lot of his dodgy activities.
Now that their marriage has ended in tears, Norma is fighting back airing all of Gigaba’s dirty laundry for the public to see in her latest interview with ENCA. Although she had the whole of Mzansi glued to their screens, many people were against her for speaking up only after things went south.
Here are five interesting things that Norma said about Malusi Gigaba in her interview.
- “What I did not like is that each and every time when he did something, he would issue out a statement, saying ‘my wife and I’ without even consulting with me.”
2. “They (The Gupta’s) used to give him a lot of money but I don’t know what they were giving him money for but sometimes he used would say, ‘I do favors for them.”
3. “it was a lot of cash all the time but I don’t know what it was for, he would use the money for different things, most probably to maintain his lifestyle habits, to build his home or to spend it on his sister who was blacklisted by the credit bureau for an R850 000 debt which just magically disappeared!”
4. “He has a problem of porn addiction, he is always watching different porn sites. And sometimes he would go as far as carrying out those fantasies with different people, who would catch feelings only to be kicked to the curb when Malusi is gone.”
5. “That was not my video ( “Imagine this in your mouth”). Like, I don’t want to lie. I have never imagined something like that in my mouth … so it was not for me. I do not know who it was meant for.”