mcola lohlebako

If you know this guy then you know how funny he can be with his radio-like show on Facebook. So the other day he goes and talks about the popular smash or pass done by YouTuber Ladludlu (see the smash or pass viral video story here) and pokes some fun at the girls and the Dludlu clan.

Akeseng’bingelele bonkhe baka Dludlu. Sanibonani Bo smash or Pass.  Uyati kuphel’ iminyaka bantfu baka Dludlu ba quiet bange na Drama ekugcineni umsebenti lomuhle wayomoshwa nje kwemtfwana nemasokisi ekuhlakula. Batsi would you smash or pass. Itsi mphendvulo i would pass, akanatinwele mnganami ngitobamba kuphi. He! He! He!

Before he gets to his alcohol plea he takes a swipe at tall slim guys, obviously basing it on the LaDludlu video.

…Akeseng’bingelele bonkhe labo bhuti labadze. San’bonani ba broomi. batsi nangab’ umudze bes’ uba nebody le slim. You are smashable!

and then he says maybe it’s the alcohol ban that’s causing all this drama on the social media streets – lool.

… Sicela sale nisivulela tjwala, ngoba nasidzakiwe tintfo atonakali kanjena

(can you please unban alcohol because when we are drunk things don’t get this messy)

Watch the full video here. (here is the link if the video below is not rendering well for you – Click this link to go to FB to watch the full video)

Hhay wena bhuti ngatsi natsi siyakuva!

Follow the Ladludlu pass or smash story here 

