Khanyi Mbau is notorious for her addiction to surgery with procedures amounting to over R100 000, but that’s not where she plans on stopping. In an interview clip with YFM DJ Khutso Theledi, Khanyi spoke of how much surgery she has had and how much she is still planning to have.

Khanyi has never shied away from admitting her love for cosmetic surgery to the public, and although many may think she’s gone over board with the work she’s done on herself, the star is not done yet and plans on doing more modifications to her body.

Khanyi revealed her cosmetic procedures in detail sharing that she has done three breast augmentations surgeries. She’s had other enhancement surgeries which include two tummy tuck’s, liposuction, chin lift, brow lift nose and face fillers and she is not done yet.

“I’m passed that phase, I’ve passed the Barbie doll. I am actually now trying to chase the avatar. I actually said if I could turn this body blue I would do it” said Khanyi.

Well good luck on your pursuit for perfection baby doll!!!
