If you ever thought for a second that Illa Penboy Mntungwa was doing all the charity work because he wanted recognition or whatever negative thoughts you had, well think again. The brand influencer is passionate about helping others, He does what he does out of the goodness of his heart. His bread campaign is doing the most and extremely helpful to tons of less fortunate Emaswati.
Some thought he would never get this far and even dissed him for his efforts, but that never deterred him not even the pandemic stopped him from reaching out to help the needy.
He recently warmed the heart of Mkhulu Zitha in Nhlangano with groceries, his ultimate goal, however, is to build a well-structured house for Mkhulu because the one he is currently leaving in is quite dilapidated, not conducive for any human habitation.
Shout out to you Illa for such a great initiative, your good works shall be rewarded.