The popular Mzansi Magic reality show, 5 Sya Mosha, has announced an exciting new development. Five of the show’s housemates have been named official brand ambassadors for the channel, joining an elite group of talented personalities and celebrities who represent Mzansi Magic.
This is a huge opportunity for these rising stars, who are set to become household names and role models for the young and aspiring in South Africa.
Five #BBMzansi S’ya Mosha Housemates Named Mzansi Magic Brand Ambassadors
Big Brother Mzansi season 4 contestants …
• Makhekhe
• Sinaye
• Mich
• Yolanda
• Zee… are the new brand ambassadors for the M-Net’s local entertainment channels: Mzansi Magic, Mzansi…
— Kgopolo (@PhilMphela) June 3, 2024
Congratulations to the 5 Sya Mosha housemates on their appointment. This is a significant achievement and a testament to your hard work and talent. We wish you all the best in your new roles as ambassadors and look forward to seeing you represent the Mzansi Magic brand with pride and enthusiasm.”
Congratulate them in the comment section!